Waterfield Business Backpack

Waterfield makes some the best business bags and wallets for the price and quality. What’s more, they’re made in San Francisco by hand and not in some distant factory in China. By selling direct, you’re getting a great product at about half of what you’d pay elsewhere. But, you’ll be hard pressed to find a bag as good as this even at twice the price. I’ve had a number of their products and have bought them as gifts for others, and the recipients have been surprised by the materials, workmanship and thoughtful details. They look like no other products and truly representative of American ingenuity and craftsmanship. I’m currently using their Airporter briefcase that’s the perfect size for business use. It’s constructed out of leather and waxed canvas. If has plenty of pockets and allows me to travel long distances with a bag that holds pretty much everything, yet is lightweight, fits under an airplane seat and slips onto a wheeled suitcase. The company has now created a professional backpack that has many similar design features and made of the same fine materials. It’s the WaterField Pro Backpack that’s a lightweight, highly functional bag with these Key features:

  • Suit-worthy, sophisticated look
  • Dual compartments for laptop and personal items
  • Multiple carry options
  • Strategically-placed, multi-functional pockets
  • Executive Folio for taking essentials to meetings

The Pro Backpack costs $349, a remarkable price for what you get. Like the Airporter, there’s an optional slip out portfolio that lets you take your essentials and leave your bag behind, particularly appropriate for going off to a business dinner. Check it out here.