Monthly Archives: March 2021

Amazon, a machine without soul

In a recent column I described how Amazon knocked off one of Peak Design’s iconic bags. They copied the unusual design right down to the trapezoidal shape of the label and priced it at a third the cost. They even used the same name, “The Everyday Sling Bag.” Peak responded by creating a parody video that […]

The Unique YES V7 Watch – Displays world times, sunrise, sunset, and much more

Yes Watch has been making unusual watches since 1999 and has just brought out its latest model, the YES V7. It’s the most complex and comprehensive timepiece the company has ever created, built upon the designs that have preceded it. Like its earlier models, the watch provides an excellent value for those utilizing its unique […]

The demise and return of PHEVs

The number of new electric cars being introduced provides us with many good options to reduce our gas consumption, but they all suffer from one major disadvantage, range anxiety. Until the number of chargers becomes as common as gas stations, and until charging times can be reduced from an hour to mere minutes, EV (electric […]

Peak Design Fights Amazon with Humor

It’s no secret that Amazon has become a haven for unauthorized and fake merchandise. Type in the name of any music artist or group appended with the word “shirt,” and up comes scores of them emblazoned with the the artist’s name and image. Then there are products on Amazon that are knock-offs or copies of […]