Monthly Archives: April 2020

Gadgets to help us with the Coronavirus

While we’re isolating ourselves to avoid exposure to the coronavirus, there are several inexpensive gadgets that can help us identify early symptoms of the disease. One involves recent findings about a drop in oxygen levels before more noticeable symptoms develop, and the other relates to elevated temperatures as an early indicator. Oxygen Levels A New […]

Tech Roundup

Tech Failures This week in tech has been a mixed bag. I’m enjoying doing virtual reviews, essentially reading about some interesting new products while dealing with some unexpected tech problems at home. Being isolated, we’ve become more dependent on our TV than ever. But wouldn’t you know that our prime HDTV died.  While not unexpected […]

Common sense intelligence has become a handicap

Sometimes it seems that possessing basic intelligence and clear and logical thinking is a handicap during these times. It certainly creates a lot more stress. Why? Because it leads to an avalanche of frustration watching our Federal government react so poorly to this pandemic. Simple logic and common sense that we’ve learned over the years […]

Time for an Apple TV

It’s time for an Apple TV. Not just streaming in a box, but a full blown, full-featured HDTV.  Whatever the reasons in the past that dissuaded Apple from getting into this business, they’re now gone. Perhaps it was that TVs were too expensive and wouldn’t meet their high margin needs, or the cable companies would […]