Monthly Archives: June 2019

Apple struggling to innovate, loses its head of Industrial Design

Apple just announced that Jony Ive, the company’s illustrious industrial designer is leaving the company. Ive and Steve Jobs have been given credit for turning a nearly dying Apple around into one the world’s most valuable companies. But in recent years, after Jobs’ death, Apple has had a scarcity of significant new products and has […]

Throw it out and see what sticks

First published on Tech.pinions From the June 22 Wall Street Journal: In the first 24 hours of the launch of an electric-scooter pilot program in the city of Hoboken, N.J., the local police department received more than 1,500 complaints and comments about the scooters, its police chief said. Since the May 20 launch, a steady […]

Don’t leave home without these

A few years ago there were plenty of new travel gadgets to cover, but those times are past. No new GPS devices and few luggage trackers that work. Still, there are some well-designed products for travel that are useful and worth considering, even if they are just improvements from earlier designs.   Backup Batteries for […]

Barnes & Noble – Missed Opportunity?

Barnes & Noble has come to an end as we know it. The superstore concept, created by Leonard Riggio, became one of the world’s largest book chains located in malls and city centers across the country. The company is now being sold to an investment company for less than $700 million. It’s unclear what they […]